No cookies, No problem! Audited by AAM, the leader in audit bureaus in the U.S., USAgriculture Masterfile® is the preferred trusted source by marketers and the only agricultural audited database in the U.S. Farm Progress audience extension is the premiere audience extension program in the nation. Built on first party reported data from the USAgriculture Masterfile® that includes demographics, geographics, firmographics and enhanced by behavioral intent analytics, Farm Progress delivers your marketing messages to highly targeted sophisticated audiences. Allow the Farm Progress team to enhance your catalytic marketing programs with USAgriculture Masterfile®.
Native Audience Extension
Native Audience Extension is designed to match readers’ interests with curated content and generate higher brand engagement.
This channel is best when ads are paired with a specific piece of content to promote, but has also seen success in driving users to learn more about specific products or offerings, e.g. crop forecasting tools, yearly financial reports, etc.